Sunday, May 13, 2007

Chapter 21

The Master keeps her mind
always at one with the Tao;
that is what gives her her radiance.


  1. from the Brian Browne Walker translation of chapter 21, "Out of the silent subtle mystery emerge images . . . " From within me because of what is beyond me and outside of me come the words I write and continue to write as if mirrors are set to catch the phenomenon of word over word From the "deep obscure" of my creativity grows the consciousness of one on one, meaning all that is. I write "into darkness" and it shows in light but I cannot read my own writing until it is word on word and layer on layer where word looks into the mirror to see the all of one. Visible as image with only word of illusion to be read. I read the image that is everything of before and all that is past. "These images coalesce into forms. Within each form is contained the seed and essence of life." I write words and that is not enough until image forms from too many words spoken at once which must come back to one--> one Word-->Tao.

  2. Words chase the tao, yet it eludes them. Words circle the tao yet it is beyond the words. Yet "tao" is a word but not the Tao.
