Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Chapter 33

Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.


  1. Knowing the onething
    You can know everything.

    With no ego buttons,
    I have not buttons to push.
    (hard to remember, lol)

  2. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Taking care of your needs requires strength. Yet, when you come to the point of thought that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then no matter what stands in your way of being “in Tao” you move beyond the pain into solution—“ mastering yourself is true power.” It is when you decide this, that you are not going to stay in a rotten state of being, a spark catches fire and the wheels squeak into forward drive and you realize that the solution, Tao, is already here--you travel around the circle and find it so. And you see that, yes, this is exactly where you have always wanted to be. You are full. “If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich. “
